By Oana Marchis


Among all the different wine options, natural wine stands out as a fantastic choice for winelovers who seek a more authentic experience. In this post, we will compare conventional wineorganic winebiodynamic wine, and natural wine in depth, in order to help you making a more informed choice. 


    • Conventional Wine - A Familiar Yet Predictable Option

      Conventional wine production is the most widely practiced method. It relies on synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers in the vineyard and on chemicals in the cellar, all of which make the wine consistent and very predictable. Some argue that the use of synthetic inputs has severe implications on soil, environment and human health and can compromise the expression of terroir. A total of 300 cultured yeasts and 49 approved additives (natural and chemical) are allowed in conventional winemaking. 


    • Organic Wine - A Focus On Sustainable Practices

      Organic viticulture promotes soil health and more biodiversity. By eliminating the use of synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers, organic wine offers a purer expression of the grape's characteristics. It provides an option for more conscious consumers who value environmentally friendly practices and wish to minimize their exposure to chemical residues. Still, as beautiful as organic grapes might be, there are 38 processing aids, that are potentially problematic. The added sulphur content is mostly just a little bit lower than in conventional wines. 


    • Biodynamic Wine - A Holistic And Harmonious Approach

      Biodynamic winemaking takes organic principles a step further by following a holistic and more interconnected philosophy. It views the vineyard as a self-sustaining ecosystem, employing practices that consider the relationship between soil, plants, animals, and the cosmos. Biodynamic farmers use specific preparations, follow lunar and natural rhythms, and integrate farm animals and insects. Advocates of biodynamic wine assert that it yields wines that reflect their terroir with heightened complexity and expression. Certified biodynamic wine can still contain additives and its SO2 content is mostly higher than the SO2 content of natural wines.


    • Natural Wine - The Soul of the Grape

      Natural wine originates as a reaction and a form of resistance to industrial viticulture. Nowadays it represents a movement that seeks to minimize human intervention and technological manipulation in winemaking. Natural winemakers limit the use of additives and opt for wild yeast fermentation, resulting in wines that showcase the purest expression of their land. Raw and surprising. Natural wine enthusiasts value the distinct variety of flavors, the vibrant acidity, and the overall uniqueness that arises from minimal intervention. 


            Natural Wine Image Collage Vineyards Red Grapes and Bottles Scattered on the grass


            Overall: We can say that organic or biodynamic winemaking is not always equivalent to natural winemaking. Wine from certified organic grapes can still contain additives added during wine production. Due to the heavy costs of the organic and biodynamic certification, some producers will refuse this labelling process. For natural winemakers, organic or biodynamic farming is the essential first step. Not all organic wine is natural, but all natural wines use organic or biodynamic grapes. And not all organic, biodynamic and natural winemakers have a certification, but are still farming organically, biodynamically and naturally.  

            Good To Know: It is only in France where "Vin Méthode Nature" has been granted a regulated designation, accompanied by a three-year experimental label. Outside of France a universally agreed upon description or set of guidelines to define natural wine does not exist. 

            How does it taste? Despite lingering skepticism and associations with amateurish practices and strange aromas, natural wine has evolved significantly. Terms like "cabbagy," "eccentric" or "weird" are no longer representative of the majority. Nowadays, most natural wines are exceptionally well-crafted and can easily be mistaken for the classic tastes preferred by traditional wine enthusiasts


            First of all, natural wine is the result of the meticulous work of man. Natural winemakers are masters of the right timing, precision and natural cycles. A lot of handiwork is put into transforming grapes into wine, yielding incredible flavors without any unwanted eccentricities - just the right kind of uniqueness.

             Natural wine offers a remarkable array of flavors. From exceptionally  elegant to complex and easily drinkable, the variety can be surprising.

            Collage of different natural wines in a glass with beautiful colors

            The drinkabilty and pleasantness of our wines is our main focus. We don't follow "funky" trends. Give natural wine a chance, and you'll discover that it embodies the true essence of what wine was always meant to be.

            Conclusion: While conventional, organic, and biodynamic wines all have their merits, natural wine stands out as a great choice for those seeking a cleaner and more sustainable wine experience. With its emphasis on minimal intervention, natural wine allows the grape's true character and the land it comes from to shine through. The practices respect and give back to the soil. They contribute to natural macro- and microcosms and to a beautiful biodiversity. In its transparency and terroir expression it carries unique and surprising flavors. Natural wine is a fantastic option for wine enthusiasts in search of a genuine and unforgettable sensory adventure.