By Oana Marchis


In the world of natural wine, there are often winemaking and drinking misconceptions that are quite persistent. From assumptions about its taste to its perceived exclusivity, natural wine has faced its fair share of misunderstandings. Don’t believe everything you hear about natural wine - we’ll debunk some of these myths once and for all.

bottles of natural wine


1. Natural Wine is just a fast trend for hipsters.

While it's true that natural wine has gained popularity in recent years, its roots run deep and are very old. It is in the end the oldest way of winemaking that is known to man. Its recent revival might be rooted in a desire to live more with nature and work with nature instead of against it. A desire for minimal intervention, more biodiversity and a return to traditional, artisanal & sustainable winemaking practices that prioritize authentic taste instead of the „one size fits all“ approach. Times change and more and more people want to return to better things. Natural wine is back and will stay.

2. Organic wine, biodynamic wine, natural wine. All different or all the same?

While there are similarities between organic, biodynamic, and natural wines, they are by no means interchangeable. Organic wine is made from grapes grown without industrial and synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, while biodynamic wine takes it a step further by incorporating holistic farming practices that consider the entire ecosystem. Natural wine, on the other hand, focuses on minimal intervention both in the vineyard and the cellar, with an emphasis on allowing the grapes to express their own true character, the terroir and even the character of the winemaker or the weather of that particular year. While all natural wines are produced with organic or biodynamic grapes, not all organic or biodynamic wines fall into the category of „natural“ wine, as organic & biodynamic regulations permit certain additives and fining agents not typically used in natural winemaking.
Check out our blog post about the difference between conventional wine, organic wine, biodynamic wine and natural wine HERE.

3. Pesticides & Herbicides are necessary in winemaking.

Contrary to this belief, pesticides and herbicides are not essential for winemaking. In fact, the majority of natural winemakers avoid these chemicals in favor of organic and biodynamic farming methods that promote biodiversity and soil and environment health. There are a lot of chemical-free and eco-friendly practices used in vineyards nowadays.
Read about the "hands off" farming methods of Tenuta Nardone, Domaine Lissner & MIRA Nestarec and see what’s possible without any kind of toxins!

4. Natural wine smells and tastes like wet dog and old socks.

Despite lingering skepticism and associations with amateurish practices and strange aromas, the flavor profile of natural wine has evolved significantly. Terms like "cabbagy," "eccentric" or "weird" are no longer representative of the majority. Nowadays, most natural wines are exceptionally well-crafted and can easily be mistaken for the classic tastes preferred by traditional wine enthusiasts. If your wine tastes horrible it’s because it’s bad, not because it’s natural. In reality, natural wines encompass a wide range of flavors and tastes. From herbal to earthy to fruity to salty. From complex to easy to daring and to very classic. Yes you can have the "funky" stuff, but that’s not representative for all natural wines. 

5. Natural wine rots fast.

While it's true that some natural wines may have shorter shelf lives compared to conventionally produced wines, this is not always the case. The majority of natural wines can be stored and even aged like any other wine. Proper storage and handling can help preserve the freshness and vitality of natural wines, allowing them to age gracefully over time. Some opened natural wines will open up immensely and taste even better after a day or two, some are unstable and will oxidize faster due to the very low SO2 content. For already opened bottles, we have a storage tip: we love using this vacuum pump to take keep the open wine from oxidizing, thus helping it preserve its freshness.

Wine Bottle Vacuum Pump

Find this wine vacuum pump on Amazon

6. Biodynamic farming is all mumbo jumbo.

While the principles of biodynamic farming may seem esoteric to some, there is evidence to suggest that these practices can have tangible effects and benefits for both the environment, the human and the quality of the wine. By treating the vineyard as a self-sustaining ecosystem, biodynamic farmers aim to create healthier soils and more resilient vines, resulting in wines that are eco-conscious, reflect their terroir, contain more anti-oxidants and taste wonderful.

7. Natural Wine is expensive.

While it's true that some natural wines may come with a higher price tag (any other wines do too) there are plenty of affordable natural wines available as well. Additionally, the value of natural wine extends beyond its price point, including factors such as a lot of human manual work, sustainability, transparency, authenticity and craftsmanship. If your wine is beyond cheap, it will probably give you a headache because it’s industrial. Or at least, you can ask yourself how that price is even possible for a product that takes at least a full year to make and research a little.
Surprise yourself with a bottle from our UNDER 20 offers!

8. Natural Wine has no sulfites.

While natural wines typically contain very low sulfite levels compared to conventional wines and even organic wines, they are not entirely sulfite-free. Sulfites occur naturally during the fermentation process and are also commonly added in small quantities as a preservative. However, many natural winemakers opt to minimize sulfite additions or forego them altogether in favor of alternative preservation methods. Depends on the wine, the vintage and the winemaker.
If you are looking for a low-sulfite wine option, get one of the brilliant wines of La Via Del Colle - they never add any sulfites during any part of the winemaking process!

9. Natural wine is made unprofessionally.

This myth fails to recognize the skill and dedication required to produce high-quality natural wines. While natural winemaking may involve less intervention in the cellar, it still requires expertise in vineyard management, fermentation techniques and sensory evaluation. Many natural winemakers are highly trained professionals who approach their craft with a deep respect for their land and its fruit.
Share our love for the wines of Jörg Bretz if you are looking for professionally crafted, incredibly classy, low intervention wines.

10. Natural wine is always cloudy.

While some natural wines may exhibit a cloudy appearance due to minimal filtration or fining, not all natural wines are cloudy. In fact, clarity can vary widely among natural wines depending on factors such as grape variety, winemaking techniques, and aging processes.
Buy one of our favorite cloudy bubbles, the legendary Prosecco Colfondo and thank us later.