Shipping Policy

We ship with DHL and deliver throughout the EU.
Orders from Germany:

From 1 to 3 bottles 5,95 Euro Standard Delivery
From 4 to 6 bottles 6,95 Euro Standard Delivery
From 7 to 12 Bottles 8,95 Euro Standard Delivery
FREE SHIPPING from 110,00 Euro

Orders from Belgium, Denmark, France, Austria, Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Italy, Sweden, Slowakia, Slowenia, Spain, Hungary, San Marino, Andorra and Monaco:
From 1 to 3 bottles 13,00 Euro Standard Delivery
From 4 to 6 bottles 15,00 Euro Standard Delivery
From 7 to 12 Bottles 19,50 Euro Standard Delivery
FREE SHIPPING from 200,00 Euro
Orders from Switzerland and Liechtenstein: 

From 1 to 3 bottles 25,00 Euro Standard Delivery
From 4 to 6 bottles 27,00 Euro Standard Delivery
From 7 to 12 Bottles 32,00 Euro Standard Delivery 
FREE SHIPPING from 200,00 Euro
—The shipping price includes a 4Euro Postal DDP (Post Delivered Duty Paid) fee, which means your taxes and duties are pre-paid and taken care of.

Orders from Bulgaria, Estonia, Finnland, Greece, Ireland, Croatia, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Romania and Cyprus: 

From 1 to 3 bottles 14,00 Euro Standard Delivery
From 4 to 6 bottles 16,00 Euro Standard Delivery
From 7 to 12 Bottles 20,00 Euro Standard Delivery

FREE SHIPPING from 200,00 Euro

Orders from Norway: 

From 1 to 3 bottles 27,50 Euro Standard Delivery
From 4 to 6 bottles 29,50 Euro Standard Delivery
From 7 to 12 Bottles 34,50 Euro Standard Delivery
FREE SHIPPING from 300,00 Euro
—The shipping price includes a 4Euro Postal DDP (Post Delivered Duty Paid) fee, which means your taxes and duties are pre-paid and taken care of.—

From 1 to 3 bottles 59,00 Euro Standard Delivery
From 4 to 6 bottles 83,00 Euro Standard Delivery
From 7 to 12 Bottles 133,00 Euro Standard Delivery
The MINIMUM for UK orders is £135. Unfortunately this is required because of the import set-up in the UK (if your order is under £135 we have to collect duties and taxes ourselves and we are not able to do that right now)
We ship to the UK via DHL and the cost is 20Euro. 
The recipient is paying UK VAT, customs duties and any occuring courier handling fees upon arrival of the parcel to the UK customs or directly to the courier. 

If the buyer is located in a country that may require additional customs duties, taxes, or charges for the receipt of alcohol (e.g., Finland or Sweden), the buyer shall bear these costs and assumes full responsibility for declaring them to the relevant customs authority. The buyer is aware of and accepts that the seller does not assume any such costs.